Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Week One in Progress

So, I'm well on my way into the first week of my goals.  I've been conscious of what I eat and have made some good choices.  I've also walked Monday and Tuesday.  Today, though...Not so hot!!!!

Yesterday, I did fine.  I had a light lunch and a chicken salad for dinner and was full for the entire day.  Today...not quite as light of a lunch (but still healthy), and by the time I got home from work around 4:15, I could have eaten everything in my refridgerator, freezer, and cupboards.  Actually, I practically did!!!

My family was having bratwurst and mac & cheese for dinner, so I opted for fajita leftovers.  1 tortilla and a pretty light mix of chicken, onion, and green pepper fajita mix.  I put a little fresh tomato on the fajita and had a few black beans and salsa on the side.  Overall, not too bad.  Well, while I waited, I ate a piece of string cheese and two pickles.  Then, after dinner I had an ice cream bar!  I actually drank some of the pickle juice, too!  Seriously, right out of the jar!!!  Ugh!  As if that's not bad enough, while my family was eating their dinner, I buzzed around them begging for food.  I think that I've resorted to the mentality of a four year old.  I blame it on the lowered calorie intake.  It's affecting my brain.

Well, I'm planning on going for another walk with Chad soon.  I'm hoping that the activity will subdue my fantasies of something fried and/or covered in chocolate.  I know that the hunger stems from lack of activity and boredom.  I just wish that, at the end of a long day, stationary activity made us as stuffed as a deep dish pizza and pitcher of beer!

Not weighing myself until Sunday,

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