Thursday, April 7, 2011


So, Cortny and I have been at this for a few days now is all.  I'm struggling mostly with how much I suck at this moment.  Ego is whipping me. Here is a guy who ran adventure races of 24 hour length...hours of paddling followed by hours of hiking, followed by miles and miles of biking.

...and now, I'm trying to get in 30 minute walks.

I can remember trying like crazy to get down to 200 lbs as a decent race weight. I never achieved that. My best race weight was 203 (I'm 6' 203 is pretty good).

...and now I'd take 220 with a smile.

Just a few years ago I was biking to work and trying each day to best my last time (21 minutes was my best, averaging around 18 mph on a mountain bike). I am trying to imagine biking to work at all. Ugh!

So, today I pressed the REBOOT button. By the end of the summer, I will be back.  I know how to do it...I just need to actually do it.


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